Resultados: 6

Relationship between Burden and Perceived Social Support in Low-income Caregivers Authors

Aquichan; 23 (1), 2023
Objectives: To describe and correlate burden and social support in low-income caregivers of chronic patients. Material and methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted with 170 low-income family caregivers of people with chronic diseases who answered a survey on sociodemographic and car...

Loneliness, Anxiety, Depression, and Adoption of the Role of Caregiver of Older Adults with Chronic Diseases during COVID-19

Aquichan; 22 (3), 2022
Objective: To determine the effect of loneliness, anxiety, and depression on adopting the role of caregiver of older adults with chronic conditions in a sample of Mexican caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and method: Predictive and correlational design. The study was conducted with 157 c...

COVID-19, Teaching, and Service: The Challenge of Nursing Training Practices

Aquichan; 21 (2), 2021
A pandemia covid-19 significou que as práticas de treinamento em enfermagem são modificadas devido às restrições para a prática presencial, de acordo com a política de redução do contato pessoal. Analisar os desafios, mas também as estratégias para flexibilizar e reformular as atividades prát...

Uncertainty Towards the Disease of Family Caregivers of Patients in Palliative Care: A Scoping Review

Aquichan; 20 (3), 2020
ABSTRACT Objective: To know the development of the scientific evidence on the uncertainty towards the disease of family caregivers of patients in palliative care. Materials and methods: A descriptive scoping review. A search was conducted in the Embase, ScienceDirect, Medline, Academic Search Complet...

Calidad de vida de los cuidadores de personas con enfermedad crónica

Aquichan; 16 (4), 2016
RESUMEN El alto impacto epidemiológico, social, económico y cultural de las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles afecta el significado de calidad de vida en las personas que las padecen y en sus cuidadores familiares. Objetivo: describir la forma como se construye el significado de calidad de vida...